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Computer graphics FTP site list
Computer graphics related FTP sites (and maintainers), 5/17/94
compiled by Eric Haines, erich@eye.com
and Nick Fotis, nfotis@theseas.ntua.gr
First are listed various computer graphics related resources, with a particular
focus on 3D rendering and modelling. As this list grew out of the Ray Tracing
News, I focus on this topic first. At the end are the FTP sites for all
software and more. Here's the table of contents:
Distributed/Parallel Raytracers
Renderers which are not raytracers, and graphics libraries
Modellers, wireframe viewers
Radiosity renderers
Volume renderers
Geometric viewers
Data Formats and Data Sets for Ray Tracing
Written Material on Rendering
Image Manipulation Libraries
Libraries with code for graphics
FTP Sites
RayShade - a fast ray tracer for workstations on up, also for PC, Mac & Amiga,
has Linda parallel language support and distributed network support
programs; however, the package has not evolved much lately and the
author (Craig Kolb) has been too busy to fold in bug fixes and have
one official version, so things are a bit scattered at this point.
POV-Ray - Persistence of Vision ray tracer, now at version 2.2. Offspring and
successor to DKB Trace, written by Compuservers. Probably the best
free ray tracer on the IBM PC, partly because of the many programs which
support it (e.g. Moray, POVCAD, L-Parser, CTDS, etc etc etc).
There is also FTPOV-Ray, which is a faster (unofficial) POV at
Polyray - a shareware IBM PC ray tracer, object code only, but very popular
among users; has nice features for animation generation. Its
programmer, Alexander Enzmann, also works on PoV-Ray, so features in
it tending to migrate to PoV.
Radiance - see "Radiosity", below. A physically based ray tracer, heavily
emphasizes realistic lighting and shading models. Excellent package,
well supported and works on many platforms.
ART - ray tracer with a good range of surface types, some interesting solid
texture functions; part of VORT package.
RTrace - Ray tracer by Antonio Costa, does bicubic patches, CSG, 3D text, etc.
IBM PC and Mac versions also exist. Imports many different model
formats. Also attaches to Bernard Kwok's radiosity package.
VIVID2 - A shareware raytracer for PCs - binary only (286/287). Author:
Stephen Coy (scoy@microsoft.com). The 386/387 (no source) version
is available to registered users (US$50) direct from the author.
"Bob" is a subset of this ray tracer, source available only through
disks in "Photorealism and Raytracing in C" by Christopher Watkins
et al, M&T Books.
Microcosm - Nice commercial rendering system using scripting language, from
vector representations to ray tracing. Demo available on net.
BRL-CAD - A ray-tracer, CAD package, and much more from the Ballistics Research
Laboratories. Evidently has a fair-sized, dedicated user base. Free,
but you must register it before use.
RAY4 - Steve Hollasch's 4-dimensional ray tracer - renders hyperspheres,
hypertetrahedra, hyperplanes, and hyperparallelepipeds (there's
a separate real-time wireframe viewer written in GL called WIRE4 ) .
DKBtrace - an older ray tracer, superceded by PoV-Ray.
MTV,QRT,DBW - yet more ray tracers, some with interesting features, but old.
There are a lot more than these, but these are the ones which are
"free" and have some user base.
Which one's the best? Here's a ray tracer feature comparison of some of the
more popular ones. I assume some basics, like each can run on a Unix
workstation, can render a polygon, has point lights, highlighting, reflection
& refraction, etc.
A "." means "no". Things in parentheses mean "no, but there's a workaround".
For example, POV 1.0 has no efficiency scheme so takes forever on scenes with
lots of objects, but there are programs which can generate efficiency
structures for some POV objects (also, in this case, POV 2.0 will fix this
Rayshade POV 1.0 RTrace Radiance Bob ART
IBM PC version? Y Y Y in 2.2 Y Y
Amiga version? Y Y . Y . (Y)
Mac version? Y Y Y A/UX . Y
Sphere/Cylinder/Cone Y Y Y Y Y Y
Torus primitive Y Y Y . . Y
Spline surface prim. . Y Y . . Y
Arbitrary Algebraic prim. . Y . . . Y
Heightfield primitive Y Y . . . Y
Metaball primitive Y Y . . . Y
Modeling matrices Y Y Y . . Y
Constructive Solid Geo. Y Y Y (antimatter) (clipping) Y
Efficiency scheme? grids (user/2.0) ABVH octtree ABVH kdtree+
2D texture mapping Y Y Y Y Y Y
3D solid textures Y strong Y Y Y Y
Advanced local shading . Y Y Much! . .
Atmospheric effects Y Y . . Y Y
Radiosity effects . . Y Y . .
Soft shadows Y (2.0) Y Y Y Y
Motion blur Y . . . . .
Depth of field effects Y . Y . Y .
Stereo pair support Y . Y . . .
Advanced filter/sample Y . Y Y Y .
Animation support Y (S/W) Y (some) . Y
Alpha channel output Y . Y . . Y
Modeler lib/P3D IBM+ (convert) on Mac w/code P3D
Model converters from NFF Many! Many! some . NFF,OFF
Network rendering Inetray . . in 2.2 . dart,nart
User support maillist maillist good digest+ little good
Other S/W support some Much! a bit some a bit some
Timings - default size SPD databases (i.e. up to 10,000 objects in a scene),
time in seconds on HP 720 workstation, optimized and gprof profiled code.
Includes time to read in the ASCII data file and set up. Note that profiling
slows down the execution times, so real times would be somewhat faster in all
cases (about 30%); plus, the profiler itself is good to +-10%. Also, these
timings are purely for this machine - results will vary considerably depending
on the platform. Now that I've explained why these are useless, here goes:
balls gears mount rings teapot tetra tree
Art/Vort 478 1315 239 595 235 84 381
Art/Vort +float 415 1129 206 501 203 72 327
Rayshade w/tweak 188 360 174 364 145 61 163
Rayshade w/grid 1107 412 174 382 145 61 1915
Radiance 289 248 165 601 150 42 197
Bob 402 747 230 831 245 50 266
RTrace 664 1481 813 1343 341 153 372
RTrace c6 m0 652 1428 811 1301 331 155 363
POV 2.0beta+ 588 1895 668 1113 306 56 542
POV 1.0 191000 1775000 409000 260000 45000 31000 250000
The gears and mount tests are probably worth ignoring because everyone handles
shadows for transparent objects differently. Some consider them opaque to
shadows, others handle it differently.
Here are timing ratios (i.e. 1 is the fastest time for a given test, with
the other timings normalized to this value):
balls gears mount rings teapot tetra tree
Art/Vort 2.54 5.30 1.45 1.63 1.62 2.00 2.34
Art/Vort +float 2.21 4.55 1.25 1.38 1.40 1.71 2.01
Rayshade w/tweak 1 1.45 1.05 1 1 1.45 1
Rayshade w/grid 5.89 1.66 1.05 1.05 1 1.45 11.75
Radiance 1.54 1 1 1.65 1.03 1 1.21
Bob 2.14 3.01 1.39 2.28 1.69 1.19 1.63
RTrace 3.53 5.97 4.93 3.69 2.35 3.64 2.28
RTrace c6 m0 3.47 5.76 4.92 3.57 2.28 3.69 2.23
POV 2.0beta+ 3.13 7.64 4.05 3.06 2.11 1.33 3.33
POV 1.0 1015.96 7157.26 2478.79 714.29 310.34 738.10 1533.74
Art/Vort was compiled with and without a "+f" compiler option; with it on
floating point numbers are not promoted to doubles during expression
evaluation (and so things runs noticeably faster). Other packages may benefit
from such compiler options.
Rayshade had some minor user intervention. The ceiling of the cube root of
the number of objects in the scene was used as the efficiency grid resolution.
For example, balls has 7382 objects: cube root is 19.47, ceiling is then 20,
so a 20 x 20 x 20 grid was used. Rayshade needs hand tweaking of the grid
structures for extra efficiency (esp. with balls and tree), though this is
fairly simple for the SPD tests (i.e. leave the background polygon out of the
grid structure). Tweaking in these cases means leaving ground plane polygon
(if it exists) out of the grid structure.
Radiance is quite different in its approach, as it is more physically based.
Efficiency structures are built in a separate program (so the time spent doing
this is not included in the above stats). Also, Radiance outputs in a
floating point format (which can be quite handy).
RTrace is often a bit faster when the "c6 m0" options are used.
POV 2.0 has an efficiency scheme built in and so is comparable to the others,
so don't get freaked out by the POV 1.0 performance numbers.
Distributed/Parallel Raytracers:
XDART - A distributed ray-tracer that runs under X11. There are server binaries
which work only on DECstations, SPARCs, HP Snakes (7x0 series) and NeXT.
The clients are distributed as binaries and C source.
Inetray - A network version of Rayshade 4.0. Needs Sun RPC 4.0 or newer.
Contact Andreas Thurnherr (ant@ips.id.ethz.ch)
prt, VM_pRAY - parallel ray tracers.
Renderers which are not raytracers, and graphics libraries:
SIPP - Scan line z-buffer and Phong shading renderer.
Now uses the shadow buffer algorithm.
VOGLE - graphics learning environment (device portable).
VOGL - an SGI GL-like library based on VOGLE.
REND386 - A *fast* polygon renderer for IBM PC 386s and up. Version 2 on up.
[ It's not photorealistic, but rather a real-time renderer]
XSHARP21 - Dr. Dobb's Journal PC renderer source code, with budget texture
Modellers, wireframe viewers:
Moray, POVCAD, PV3D - modelers for the PC for POV.
BLOB - Fun blobby modeler for PC (output to POV, DXF, etc)
VISION-3D - Mac modeler, can output Radiance & Rayshade files.
IRIT - A CSG solid modeler, with support for freeform surfaces.
BRL-CAD - A CAD modeler, comes with ray tracer, image support, etc etc.
P3D - See volume rendering section.
X3D - A wireframe viewer for X11.
3DV - 3-D wireframe graphics toolkit, with C source, 3dv objects, other stuff
Look at major PC archives like wuarchive. One such file is 3DKIT1.ZIP
(at romulus.ulowell.edu)
Multiverse - X11R4 & Berkeley sockets animator and more.
AERO - actually, it's a rigid-body visualizer and animator.
Radiosity renderers:
Radiance - a ray tracer w/radiosity effects, by Greg Ward. Excellent shading
models and physically based lighting simulation. Unix/X based, though
has been ported to the Amiga and the PC (386).
RAD - a simple public-domain radiosity package in C. The solution can be run
stand-alone on any Unix box, but the walk-through requires a SGI 4D.
Author: Bernard Kwok <g-kwok@cs.yorku.ca>
INDIA - An Indian radiosity package based on Radiance.
SGI_RAD - An interactive radiosity package that runs on SGI machines with a
Spaceball. It includes a house database.
Author: Guy Moreillon <moreillo@ligsg1.epfl.ch>
Volume renderers:
P3D - Outputs to Rayshade, DXF, RenderMan, Art, and others.
Geometric viewers:
SALEM - A GL-based package from Dobkin et al. for exploring mathematical
GEOMVIEW - A GL-based package for looking and interactively manipulating
3D objects, from Geometry Center at Minnesota.
XYZ GeoBench -(eXperimental geometrY Zurich) is a workbench for geometric
computation for Macintosh computers.
WIRE4 - GL wireframe previewer for Steve Hollasch's RAY4 (see above)
Data Formats and Data Sets for Ray Tracing:
SPD - a set of procedural databases for testing ray tracers.
NFF - simplistic file format used by SPD.
OFF - another file format.
P3D - a lispy file format.
TDDD - Imagine (3D modeler) format, has converters for RayShade, NFF, OFF, etc.
Also includes a nice postscript object displayer. Some GREAT models.
T3DLIB - converts to/from TDDD/TTDDD, OFF, NFF, Rayshade 4.0, Imagine,
and vort 3d objects. Also outputs Framemaker MIF files and isometric
views in Postscript. Registered users get a TeX PK font converter and
a superquadric surfaces generator.
Glenn Lewis <glewis@pcocd2.intel.com>
[Note : TTDDDLIB is also known as T3DLIB]
Volume Rendering Data:
CHVRTD - Chapel Hill Volume Rendering Test Datasets, includes volume sets for
two heads, a brain, a knee, electron density maps for RNA and others.
AVS - Volume Visualization datasets.
Written Material on Rendering:
RT News - collections of articles on ray tracing.
RT abstracts - collection by Tom Wilson of abstracts of many RT articles.
RT bib - references to articles on ray tracing in "refer" format.
Rad bib - references to articles on radiosity (global illumination).
Speer RT bib - Rick Speer's cross-referenced RT bib, in postscript.
Paper bank project - various technical papers in electronic form. Contact
Juhana Kouhia <jk87377@cs.tut.fi>
Image Manipulation Libraries:
Utah Raster Toolkit - nice image manipulation tools.
PBMPLUS - a great package for image conversion and manipulation.
LIBTIFF - library for reading/writing TIFF images.
ImageMagick - X11 package for display and interactive manipulation
of images. Uses its own format (MIFF), and includes some converters.
xv - X-based image display, manipulation, and format converter.
xloadimage, xli - displays various formats on an X11 screen.
Khoros - a huge, excellent system for image processing, with a visual
programming interface and much much more. Uses X windows.
FBM - another set of image manipulation tools, somewhat old now.
Img - image manipulation, displays on X11 screen, a bit old now.
Libraries with code for graphics:
Graphics Gems I,II,III - code from the ever so useful books.
spline-patch.tar.Z - spline patch ray intersection routines by Sean Graves
FTP Sites
(*) means site is an "official" distributor, so is most up to date.
NORTH AMERICA (please look for things on your own continent first...):
wuarchive.wustl.edu []: This one has almost everything, but is
also very busy - try during off-hours.
/graphics/graphics - get CONTENTS file for a roadmap. Within this
directory are a wide range of resources, including:
bib - various ray tracing, radiosity, and general bibliographies.
books - code from books and errata listings for various texts.
echidna - Univ. of Melbourne programs: vogl/e, vopl, vort.
hershey-fonts - public domain stroke fonts.
objects - various object databases (TDDD, SPD, OFF, polyhedra, nurbs).
packages - image manipulation, CAD, and other graphics packages.
papers - various graphics papers.
radiosity - includes Radiance.
ray - many ray tracers, RTNews, Wilson's RT abstract collection, etc.
non-3d - 4d & hyperbolic space visualization.
virtual-worlds - VR related material.
The mirrors directory is huge, including many major sites, including
the official POV archive, the Oldenburg POV site, the Geometry Center,
NCSA, SGI, Virtual Worlds archive, Avalon object descriptions, Virtual
Reality archive, and more.
There is also various platform dependent graphics software, e.g.
/msdos/ddjmag/ddj9209.zip - version 21 of Xsharp, with fast texture
/pub/aminet/gfx/3d - T3DLIB package.
/pub/aminet/gfx/3dobj - TDDD objects.
/pub/aminet/pix/trace - various raytraced images.
/pub/aminet/pix/wb - workbench wallpaper (IFF) images, textures.
admin: George Kyriazis <kyriazis@turing.cs.rpi.edu>
princeton.edu []: home of lots of ray tracing related software
/pub/Graphics (note capital "G") - *Rayshade 4.0.6 ray tracer (and
separate 387 executable)*, *color quantization code*, *SPD*,
*RT News*, *Wilson's RT abstracts*, "RT bib*, *Utah Raster
Toolkit*, newer FBM, *Graphics Gems I, II & III code*.
/pub/graphics directory - *SALEM* and other stuff.
/pub/trees/drinkwater - tree images from Drinkwater's growing program.
admin: Craig Kolb <cek@princeton.edu>
[upload to ftp.cs.princeton.edu:/incoming]
avalon.chinalake.navy.mil []: pub - 3D objects (multiple formats),
utilities, file format documents. obj/Viewpoint and New are
particularly good quality. utils/misc - PV3D. misc/texture - textures.
This site was created to be a 3D object "repository" for the net.
Francisco X DeJesus <dejesus@archimedes.chinalake.navy.mil>
alfred.ccs.carleton.ca []: /pub/pov-ray/POV-Ray2.2 - *POVRay
Compuserve group ray tracer (or POV)* and models. /pub/dkbtrace -
*DKB ray tracer* (now ancient history).
David Buck <david_buck@carleton.ca>
omicron.cs.unc.edu []: pub/softlab/CHVRTD - Chapel Hill
Volume Rendering Test Datasets.
moose.cs.indiana.edu []: /pub/RW5 - test databases for radiosity
and other serious illumination simulation algorithms.
Peter Shirley <shirley@cs.indiana.edu>
ftp.mv.com []: pub/ddj - Official Dr. Dobbs Journal FTP repository.
hobbes.lbl.gov []: pub - *Radiance* ray trace/radiosity package,
pictures, ports, etc.
Greg Ward <gjward@lbl.gov>
dpls.dacc.wisc.edu: Microcosm - demo of nice rendering and ray tracing
system using an interpreted scripting language. Cosmic Software
geom.umn.edu [] : pub/software/geomview - *GEOMVIEW* and other
Geometry Center visualization packages.
Contact: software@geom.umn.edu
ftp.kpc.com [] : /pub/graphics/holl91 - Steve Hollasch's
Thesis, /pub/graphics/ray4 - *RAY4*, /pub/graphics/wire4 - *WIRE4*.
Steve Hollasch <hollasch@kpc.com>
cs.usask.ca: pub/geometry/geombib.tar.Z - Computational Geometry bibliography
(very extensive, 5539 entries to date).
Bill Jones <jones@skdad.usask.ca>
zamenhof.cs.rice.edu [] : pub/graphics.formats - Various electronic
documents about many object and image formats. pub/morphine -
morphing package.
Mark Hall <foo@cs.rice.edu>
ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu [] : misc/file.formats/graphics.formats -
contains various image- and object-format descriptions. Many SciVi
tools in various directories, e.g. SGI/Alpha-shape/Alvis-1.0.tar.Z -
3D alpha-shape visualizer (SGI machines only),
SGI/Polyview3.0/polyview.Z - interactive visualization and analysis of
3D geometrical structures, outputs in Rayshade and RIB formats.
/outgoing/marca/natural-textures - various textures (temporary).
Quincey Koziol <koziol@ncsa.uiuc.edu>
ftp.ipl.rpi.edu []: pub/image - various 24 and 8 bit image
stills and sequences. Kevin Martin <sigma@ipl.rpi.edu>
ftp.psc.edu []: pub/p3d - p3d_2_0.tar P3D lispy scene
language & renderers. Joel Welling <welling@seurat.psc.edu>
ftp.ee.lbl.gov []: *pbmplus.tar.Z*, pub/ray - RayShade data files.
Jef Poskanzer <jef@ace.ee.lbl.gov>
george.lbl.gov []: pub/ccs-lib/ccs.tar.Z - *CCS (Complex
Conversion System), an image conversion & manipulation package.
ftp.uu.net []: /graphics - *IRIT*, old RT News back issues (not
complete), NURBS models, other graphics related material,
graphics/3D/tsipp.3.0b.tar.Z - Tcl-SIPP (SIPP with Tcl interface),
/graphics/jpeg/jpegsrc.v?.tar.Z - Independent JPEG Group package for
reading and writing JPEG files.
knob2.engin.umich.edu: *Utah Raster Toolkit*
Spencer Thomas <thomas@eecs.umich.edu>
ftp.x.org: /contrib - pbmplus, Image Magick, xloadimage, xli, xv, Img, lots
more. /pub/R5untarred/mit/demos/gpc - NCGA Graphics Performance
Characterization (GPC) Suite.
cs.utah.edu []: /pub - Utah raster toolkit
Jamie Painter <jamie@cs.utah.edu>
artemis.arc.nasa.gov []: /sig-wtk/models - variety of DXF and
NFF models.
gatekeeper.dec.com []: /pub/DEC/off.tar.Z - *OFF models*,
pub/graphics - jpeg, Khoros, pbmplus, Rayshade, Utah RLE, libtiff.
data/cia-wdb - CIA world database
pprg.eece.unm.edu []: /pub/khoros - *Khoros image processing
package (huge, but great)*. [not sure about this site - last time
I tried, no answer]
Danielle Argiro <danielle@bullwinkle.unm.edu>
opus.dacc.wisc.edu: /pub/x3d.2.2.tar.Z - *X3D*, /pub/xdart.1.1.* - *XDART*,
ImageMagick 2.3
Mark Spychalla <spy@castlab.engr.wisc.edu>
sgi.com []: /graphics/tiff - TIFF 6.0 spec & *LIBTIFF* software
and pics. Also much SGI- and GL-related stuff (e.g. OpenGL manuals)
Sam Leffler <sam@sgi.com>
[supercedes okeeffe.berkeley.edu for the LIBTIFF stuff]
ftp.brl.mil []: /brl-cad - information on how to get the
BRL CAD package & ray tracer.
/pub/textures - a texture library has also begun here; not much here.
Lee A. Butler <butler@BRL.MIL>
ftp.cdrom.com: an aminet (Amiga network) site, among many others.
/pub/aminet/gfx/3d - T3DLIB package.
/pub/aminet/gfx/3dobj - TDDD objects.
/pub/aminet/pix/trace - various raytraced images.
/pub/aminet/pix/wb - workbench wallpaper (IFF) images, textures.
cicero.cs.umass.edu []: /texture_temp - 512x512 grayscale
Brodatz textures,
from Julien Flack <julien@scs.leeds.ac.uk>.
karazm.math.uh.edu []: pub/Graphics/rtabs.shar.12.90.Z - *Wilson's
RT abstracts*, Speer RT bibliography.
J. Eric Townsend <jet@karazm.math.uh.edu>
ftp.pitt.edu []: /users/q/r/qralston/images - 24 bit image archive
(small). James Ralston Crawford <qralston@gl.pitt.edu>
cica.cica.indiana.edu: The MS Windows archive. Among other things,
RLIBDEMO.ZIP - RENDERLIB 3D graphics DLL, desktop/gcad110.zip -
GammaCAD 1.10, programr/3dlib30a.zip - C++ & Pascal 3D graphic
archive.umich.edu []: /msdos/graphics - PC graphics stuff.
/msdos/graphics/raytrace - VIVID2.
netlib.att.com []: netlib/polyhedra - *polyhedra databases*.
(If you don't have FTP, use the netlib automatic mail replier:
netlib@netlib.att.com. Send one line message "send index" for info.
siggraph.org []: SIGGRAPH archive site.
publications/bibliography - extremely extensive computer graphics
bibliography. Automatic mailer is archive-server@siggraph.org
("send index").
ftp.cs.unc.edu []: pub/reaction_diffusion - Greg Turk's work on
reaction-diffusion textures, X windows code (SIGGRAPH '91), pub -
L-system code.
avs.ncsc.org []: sample_data/VolVis92 - Volume datasets
from the Boston Workshop on Volume Visualization '92. This site is
also the International AVS Center. Terry Myerson <tvv@ncsc.org>
uvacs.cs.virginia.edu []: pub/suit/demo/{sparc,dec,etc} - SUIT
(Simple User Interface Toolkit). "finger suit@uvacs.cs.virginia.edu"
to get detailed instructions.
nexus.yorku.ca []: /pub/reports/Radiosity_code.tar.Z - *RAD*
/pub/reports/Radiosity_thesis.ps.Z - *RAD MSc. Thesis*
[This site may change to ftp.yorku.ca in the future]
earthsea.stanford.edu: ftp/pub/lego/cad/click and .../cad/rayshade - LEGO
modeling tools and definitions for Rayshade.
archive.cis.ohio-state.edu []: pub/siggraph92 - Code for
Siggraph '92 Course 23 (Procedural Modeling and Rendering Techniques)
lyapunov.ucsd.edu []: This machine is considered the
repository for preprints and programs for nonlinear dynamics,
signal processing, and related subjects (and fractals, of course!)
Matt Kennel <mbk@inls1.ucsd.edu>
belvoir-arl-irisgt.army.mil: pub/viewtree/images - various generated tree
images (quite nice!), runnable demo for SGI's. Jason Weber
ics.uci.edu []: /honig --- Various stereo-pair images
ftp-os2.nmsu.edu: os2/2_x/graphics/rt.zip - CSG (?) ray tracer for PC with
source, uses the GBM module for file I/O (found in same directory as
Andy Key <ak@hursley.ibm.com>
taurus.cs.nps.navy.mil []: pub/dabro/cyberware_demo.tar.Z - Human
head data
pioneer.unm.edu []: pub/texture_maps - Hans du Buf's grayscale
test textures (aerial swatches, Brodatz textures, synthetic swatches).
Space & planetary image repository. Provides access to >150 CD-ROMS
with data/images (3 on-line at a time). [not sure about this site,
no answer the last time I tried it] Colby Kraybill
acs.cps.msu.edu: pub/sass - Rayshade tools: X windows font converter and
animation tool. Ron Sass <sass@cps.msu.edu>
ftp.u.washington.edu: public/virtual-worlds - *multiverse*, much on Virtual
Reality, including many product review files and other resources.
ftp.apple.com: pub/VR/graphics.systems - Gossamer 2.0, real time rendering
for the Mac.
Jon Blossom <jonbl@microsoft.com>
spectrum.xerox.com: pub/map/dem - USGS DEM data, plus lots of other map data
related archives.
iris.ssec.wisc.edu []: pub/vis5d - 5D visualizer (for weather
data, things like that).
vacation.venari.cs.cmu.edu []: zbuf.tar - Rayshade z-depth output
math.uh.edu: /pub/Amiga/comp.sys.amiga.reviews/software/graphics/raist -
images done using Real3D. pub/Amiga/comp.sys.amiga.reviews -
reviews of Amiga products (including renderers, etc).
Dan Barrett <barrett@math.uh.edu>
herx1.colorado.edu: /pub/irt/irt52.zip - optics ray tracing program (said to
be buggy, though).
toe.cs.berkeley.edu []: pub/multimedia/mpeg - MPEG viewing
dgp.toronto.edu: pub/dret/PhD - George Drettakis' PhD thesis on radiosity &
global illumination, w/tiff files. Also at ftp.csri.toronto.edu:
George Drettakis <dret@dgp.toronto.edu>
ftp.cs.cmu.edu: /afs/cs/misc/rayshade/all_mach/omega/doc/Examples - Rayshade
example images.
oak.oakland.edu: pub/msdos/graphics/frain182.zip and frasr182.zip - Fractint
fractal generator executable and source.
ftp.nosc.mil: /pub/grid.{ps,TeX,asc} - a short survey of methods to
interpolate and contour bivariate data.
rtfm.mit.edu: /pub/usenet/news.answers - the land of FAQs. Graphics and
pictures directories of particular interest. (Also available from
mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu by sending a mail message containing: "help")
nic.funet.fi []: *pub/sci/papers - *Paper bank project,
including Pete Shirley's entire thesis (with pics)*, *Wilson's RT
abstracts*, Wilt's OORT code, pub/misc/CIA_WorldMap - CIA world data
bank, comp.graphics.research archive, *India*, and much, much more.
Juhana Kouhia <jk87377@cs.tut.fi>
ftp.informatik.uni-oldenburg.de []: /pub/pov-ray - *POV
raytracer*, *PV3D*, Polyray, BLOB, etc. wuarchive.wustl.edu:
/mirrors/ftp.informatik.uni-oldenburg.de mirrors these directories of
POV tools, etc. Newest tools are in the /pub/pov-ray/new
directory. mirror at: ftp.uni-erlangen.de:
nestor.epfl.ch []: /pub/unix/radiance - Radiance. Good for
European sites, but doesn't carry the add-ons that are available for
isy.liu.se []: pub/sipp/sipp-3.0.tar.Z - *SIPP* scan line z-buffer
and Phong shading renderer. Jonas Yngvesson <jonas-y@isy.liu.se>
irisa.fr []: */iPSC2/VM_pRAY ray tracer*, SPD, /NFF - many non-SPD
NFF format scenes, RayShade data files. Didier Badouel
<badouel@irisa.irisa.fr> [may have disappeared]
phoenix.oulu.fi []: *FLI RayTracker animation files (PC VGA) -
also big .FLIs (640*480)* *RayScene demos* [Americans: check wuarchive
first]. More animations to come. Jari Kahkonen
(was: jyu.fi) []: /pub/graphics/ray-traces - many ray tracers,
including VM_pRAY, DBW, DKB, MTV, QRT, RayShade, some RT News, NFF
files. Jari Toivanen <toivanen@jyu.fi>
garbo.uwasa.fi []: Much PC stuff, etc., /pc/source/contour.f -
FORTRAN program to contour scattered data using linear triangle-based
asterix.inescn.pt []: pub/RTrace - *RTrace* nffutils.tar.Z (NFF
utilities for RTrace), medical data (CAT, etc.) converters to NFF,
Autocad to NFF Autolisp code, AUTOCAD 11 to SCN (RTrace's language)
converter and other goodies. Antonio Costa (acc@asterix.inescn.pt)
ftp.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de []: AERO, a virtual mechanics
system, ties in with POVray and MPEG.
Hartmut Keller <keller@hermes.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de>
(was: vega.hut.fi) []: /graphics - RTN archive, ray tracers
(MTV, QRT, others), NFF, some models.
teeri.oulu.fi: pub/msdos/programming - files on game development on PCs,
ray tracing, 3D, and too much more.
Jouni Miettunen <jon@stekt.oulu.fi>
sun4nl.nluug.nl []: /pub/graphics/raytrace - DBW.microray, MTV, etc
ftp.luth.se []: graphics/raytracing - prt, others, ~/Doc -
*Wilson's RT abstracts*, Vivid. /pub/aminet - aminet site (see
wuarchive listing).
ftp.fu-berlin.de []: /pub/unix/graphics/rayshade4.0/inputs -
aq.tar.Z is RayShade aquarium [Americans: check princeton.edu first).
Heiko Schlichting <heiko@math.fu-berlin.de>
maggia.ethz.ch []: pub/inetray - *Inetray* and Sun RPC 4.0 code
Andreas Thurnherr <ant@ips.id.ethz.ch>
osgiliath.id.dth.dk []: /pub/amiga/graphics/Radiance - *Amiga
port of Radiance 2.0*. Per Bojsen <bojsen@ithil.id.dth.dk>
ftp.technion.ac.il []: /pub/supported/cs/graphics - *IRIT*.
Gershon Elber <gershon@cs.technion.ac.il>
iamsun.unibe.ch []: Graphtal L-system interpreter (includes
animation support, X11 and x-buffer previewer, output for Rayshade).
Christoph Streit <streit@iam.unibe.ch>
ftp.uni-kl.de []: /pub/amiga/raytracing/imagine - mirror of
the hubcap Imagine files (hubcap is no longer around).
ise.fhg.de []: pub/radiance/rshow - Radiance, *SGI interactive
previewer for RADIANCE*.
metallica.prakinf.tu-ilmenau.de: pub/PROJECTS/GOOD0.60 - *GOOD graphics OO
project, including YART ray tracer*
Ekkehard 'Ekki' Beier <ekki@prakinf.tu-ilmenau.de>
neptune.inf.ethz.ch []: XYZ - *XYZ GeoBench*
Peter Schorn <schorn@inf.ethz.ch>
ftp.lifl.fr: /pub/users/graphix/lefer/SEADS - ray tracer using SEADS structure.
Wilfrid Lefer <lefer@lifl.lifl.fr>
cast0.ast.cam.ac.uk []: pub/gfl/temp.tar.gz - SunOs 4.1.3 POVRay
Geraint Lewis <gfl@mail.ast.cam.ac.uk>
uniwa.uwa.edu.au: /pub/povray - *POVray*, plus many "unofficial" POV files.
Currently very active.
POVRAY account <povray@uniwa.uwa.edu.au>
gondwana.ecr.mu.oz.au []: pub - *VORT(ART) ray tracer*, *VOGLE*,
Wilson's ray tracing abstracts, /pub/contrib/artscenes (ART scenes from
Italy), pub/images/haines - Haines thesis images, Graphics Gems code,
SPD, NFF & OFF databases, NFF and OFF previewers, IRIT, OORT, plus some
8- and 24bit images and lots of other stuff. pub/rad.tar.Z - *SGI_RAD*
Bernie Kirby <bernie@ecr.mu.oz.au>
munnari.oz.au []: pub/graphics/vort.tar.Z - *VORT (ART) 2.1 CSG and
algebraic surface ray tracer*, *VOGLE*, /pub - DBW, pbmplus. /graphics
- room.tar.Z (ART scenes from Italy).
David Hook <dgh@munnari.oz.au>
plaza.aarnet.edu.au: mirror site of various places, including
marsh.cs.curtin.edu.au []: pub/graphics/bibliography/Facial_Animation,
pub/graphics/bibliography/Morph, pub/graphics/bibliography/UI -
stuff about Facial animation, Morphing and User Interfaces.
pub/fascia - Fred Parke's fascia program.
Valerie Hall <val@lillee.cs.curtin.edu.au>
katz.anu.edu.au: /pub/stereograms - Single image random dot stereogram site.
ccu1.aukuni.ac.nz []: architec/Applications - *VISION-3D facet
based modeller for Mac, can output RayShade files*.
architec/Textures - texture library of 200+ TIFF textures.
architec/Translators - ArchiCAD to Radiance translator.
Many other neat things for Macs. Mirrored at wuarchive.wustl.edu:
Paul Bourke <pdbourke@ccu1.aukuni.ac.nz>
scslwide.sony.co.jp []: ftp2/SGI/Facial-Animation - Steve Franks
site for facial animation.
Steve Franks <stevef@csl.sony.co.jp OR stevef@cs.umr.edu>
WWW sites (totally untested, I haven't diddled with XMosaic yet...):
http://www.cs.princeton.edu/grad/cek/rayshade - Rayshade (pretty official)
http://www.msi.umn.edu/miscdocs/Rayshade/index.html - Rayshade
http://www.cs.cmu.edu:8001/afs/cs/project/cil/ftp/html/vision.html - Rayshade
rayimages.html [or rayimgtxt.html for no icons] - Rayshade "standard"
Mark Maimone <Mark.Maimone@A.GP.CS.CMU.EDU>
http://www.ifi.uio.no/~mariusw/pov/utilities.html - POV utilities.
http://www.cm.cf.ac.uk:/Ray.Tracing/ - Ian Grimstead's ray tracing bibliography
http://www.cs.ruu.nl/people/otfried/html/geombib.html - Computational Geometry
http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/hypertext/faq/usenet/fractal-faq/faq.html -
Fractal FAQ
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